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English 111 - Davis: Keywords

This guide provides students with recommended resources for research in English 111 with Cynthia Davis.

Developing Search Terms

Sometimes the words you use to search a topic are different from the words used by the library catalog and databases. Before you search, try coming up with other ways to describe and explore your topic.

For example:

  • origin or creation
  • stories, myths, legends, and folklore/folktales
  • names of specific cultural groups or geographic areas
  • oral histories or narratives
  • criticism, analysis, or interpretation
  • imagery, symbolism, or themes
  • historic or cultural context
  • primary versus secondary sources

If you have trouble finding information on your topic, ask a librarian for help.

Whose Story Are You Telling?

Pay attention to different perspectives on your topic based on which group or author is telling the story. Is the story being told from within a culture or from outside? How do the words we use to describe the story support or undermine the culture of origin?