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Library Tutorials: Library and Research Tutorials

This guide provides links to online videos and tutorials for do-it-yourself help conducting research, using library resources, and thinking critically about information.

Research Help

Live Chat (available during Luria Library open hours):

Phone: 805-730-4444


Zoom: make an appointment

In Person: stop by the Library on the West Campus during open hours

Library Technology Handouts

The guide below provides links to printable instructional handouts for using library technology, such as computers and software, printing, and wifi:

Finding Books, Articles, and More Through OneSearch

Use OneSearch to find print and online books, articles, and other types of sources. After you search, use the filters to limit your results by source type, date, and more.



For more search options, go to Advanced Search.

Need help?

For do-it-yourself help, watch the OneSearch introduction video:

How do I?

Explore the videos, tutorials, websites, and documents listed below for do-it-yourself help conducting research, using library resources, and thinking critically about information (some of the videos and tutorials will prompt you to log in with your Pipeline username and password for off campus access).

Learn about the library, library website, and OneSearch


Use the library website, know the library materials available, and use OneSearch

Use library technology including computers, printers, and wifi


Learn about the research process


Understand the elements of the research process


Learn about topics, keywords, research questions, and thesis statements


Choose a topic and narrow a topic

Identify keywords based on my topic

Do background research on my topic

Write a research question or thesis statement


Learn about information and information literacy


Define information literacy and understand why it matters

Distinguish between data, information, and knowledge

Understand different ways information is valued


Learn about different types of information sources, how they are created, and how to use them


Distinguish between different types of sources

Distinguish between primary and secondary research

Distinguish between primary, secondary, and tertiary sources

Understand peer review

Read scholarly materials


Learn about library databases


Choose and use the best database for information on my topic

Use a specific database

All EBSCOhost Databases

Most of the Luria Library's databases are on the EBSCOhost platform, including Academic Search Complete, Business Source Premier, CINAHL, Communication and Mass Media Complete, GreenFILE, History Reference Center, Military and Government Collection, PsychARTICLES, Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection, Science Full Text Select, and many others.

Business Source Premier

CINAHL Plus with Full Text

Communication and Mass Media Complete

(The video below demonstrates accessing the Communication and Mass Media Complete database from the old library website. To access the database from the new website, select the "A-Z Databases" button under the OneSearch search box.)

News Databases
Nexis Uni


Learn about search techniques and strategies


Use the best search strategies

Understand and improve my search results


Learn about evaluating information


Evaluate sources of information

Choose the best web source

Identify and critique misinformationdisinformation, and fake news.

Recognize bias


Learn about synthesizing information, writing research papers, and making presentations


Compile information from sources

Understanding the elements of a research paper

Get writing help


Learn about academic integrity, plagiarism, and copyright


Understand academic integrity and how to avoid plagiarism

Understand copyright


Learn about citing sources


Understand when and why to cite

Cite my sources


Learn about scholarly communication


Understand the scholarly communication process