Explore the videos, tutorials, websites, and documents listed below for do-it-yourself help conducting research, using library resources, and thinking critically about information (some of the videos and tutorials will prompt you to log in with your Pipeline username and password for off campus access).
Learn about the library, library website, and OneSearch
Use the library website, know the library materials available, and use OneSearch
Video: Introduction to OneSearch
This video from the Santa Barbara City College Luria Library provides an introduction to OneSearch. OneSearch allows you to search many of the library’s resources at once to find print and online books, articles, textbooks on reserve for courses, and other types of sources.
PDF: Managing Your Luria Library OneSearch Account
Provides instructions for logging into your account in OneSearch and accessing tools to renew your checked out material, place holds on materials from the Luria Library, request materials from other libraries, access information about fines and holds on your account, and update your personal information.
Use library technology including computers, printers, and wifi
Technology Handouts
This SBCC research guide provides information about library technology and links to printable instructional handouts for using library computers and software, printers, wifi, etc.
Learn about the research process
Understand the elements of the research process
Learn about topics, keywords, research questions, and thesis statements
Choose a topic and narrow a topic
Identify keywords based on my topic
Tutorial: Choosing & Using Keywords
This tutorial from Credo examines why identifying keywords is important, how to use key concepts from a research question to select initial keywords, and how to identify additional keywords as you search for information.
Do background research on my topic
Tutorial: Background Research Tips
This tutorial from Credo covers the difference between background research and in-depth research, how to use background research to help you refine your topic and identify key issues and terms.
Video Tutorial: Beginning Research with Wikipedia/Google
This tutorial from Credo explores the pros and cons of using Google and Wikipedia for research, and how to transition from Google and Wikipedia to Google Scholar and library databases.
Write a research question or thesis statement
Video: Research Questions
This video from Winona State University explores the value of reading background information on a topic before writing a research question, and examines what makes a good research question, including the difference between open-ended and closed research questions.
Video: Thesis Statements
This video from Credo outlines how to create a strong thesis statement by narrowing and focusing your topic, identifying a research question, and developing a working thesis as you conduct your research.
Learn about information and information literacy
Define information literacy and understand why it matters
Tutorial: Why Information Literacy Matters
This tutorial from Credo provides an introduction to college, workplace, and personal information skills, including issues related to sharing personal information.
Video: Life in the Information Age
This video from Credo explores information overload, developing a critical mindset, the need to evaluate sources for credibility, and an introduction to copyright.
Distinguish between data, information, and knowledge
Understand different ways information is valued
Tutorial: Information Has Value
This tutorial from Credo explores the ways information has value, including as a commodity and as a means of education. Topics covered include: intellectual property; copyright; fair use; public domain; the digital divide; open information movements; privacy; information mining; managing your own information; and using information ethically.
Learn about different types of information sources, how they are created, and how to use them
Distinguish between different types of sources
Video: Types of Sources
This video from Credo covers the importance of understanding the information available on a topic and considering a variety of sources, including background sources at the beginning of the research process and scholarly sources later on. Provides tips for how to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of different kinds of sources for specific information needs.
Distinguish between primary and secondary research
Video: Primary & Secondary Research
This video from Credo covers the differences between primary and secondary research, how they are conducted, and the ethical considerations of each, including using data ethically and avoiding bias.
Distinguish between primary, secondary, and tertiary sources
Understand peer review
Video: Peer Review
This video from Credo examines why peer-reviewed articles are often considered the "gold standard" of credible sources, explains how the peer review process works and why it is important, and provides an overview of the features of peer-reviewed articles, and how to locate them.
Read scholarly materials
Tutorial: Identifying and Reading Scholarly Materials
This tutorial from Credo covers identifying scholarly sources and tips for reading them strategically. Examines the features of scholarly materials and the subsections included in research articles, and includes checkpoints to test your understanding.
Video: How to Read Scholarly Materials
This video from Credo provides steps to better reading and understanding scholarly sources, including: identifying scholarly materials; recognizing the subsections included in research articles; and reading strategically.
Learn about library databases
Choose and use the best database for information on my topic
Video: Choosing a Database
This video from Credo explores how to determine your assignment's information need, locate the different types of library databases available, and identify specific features of a database to determine if it meets your needs.
Use a specific database
All EBSCOhost Databases
Most of the Luria Library's databases are on the EBSCOhost platform, including Academic Search Complete, Business Source Premier, CINAHL, Communication and Mass Media Complete, GreenFILE, History Reference Center, Military and Government Collection, PsychARTICLES, Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection, Science Full Text Select, and many others.
Video: Introduction to EBSCOhost
This video from EBSCO provides an overview of the EBSCOhost interface. A PowerPoint version is also available.
Video: Basic Searching on EBSCOhost
This video from EBSCO demonstrates a basic search on EBSCOhost. A PowerPoint version is also available.
Video: Advanced Searching on EBSCOhost
This video from EBSCO demonstrates an Advanced Search on EBSCOhost. A PowerPoint version is also available.
Video: Browsing Subject Terms in EBSCOhost Databases
This video from EBSCO demonstrates how to browse the Subject Terms Authority File in EBSCOhost as well as how to create database searches using subject terms. A PowerPoint version is also available.
Video: Using the EBSCOhost Result List
This video from EBSCO demonstrates the features available on the EBSCOhost Result List, including: limiting results; saving articles to the folder; and reviewing images. A PowerPoint version is also available.
Video: Using the EBSCOhost Search History
This video from EBSCO demonstrates the EBSCOhost Search History feature, including editing a search, saving a search, and editing a saved search. A PowerPoint version is also available.
Video: My EBSCOhost Folder
This video from EBSCO demonstrates the features of the My EBSCOhost Personalization folder. A PowerPoint version is also available.
Video: Using Persistent Links in EBSCO Interfaces
This video from EBSCO demonstrates the difference between expiring session URLs and Persistent Links, which can be saved to bookmark and share search results and articles in EBSCOhost. A PowerPoint version is also available.
Video: Reading an Article on EBSCOhost
This video from EBSCO demonstrates the EBSCOhost Article Detailed Record as well as features of HTML Full Text and the PDF Full Text Viewer. A PowerPoint version is also available.
Video: Citing Articles on EBSCOhost
This video from EBSCO demonstrates how to use the Cite feature available on EBSCOhost, as well as several other EBSCO interfaces. A PowerPoint version is also available.
PowerPoint: The EBSCOhost iPhone App
This PowerPoint presentation from EBSCO demonstrates how to use the EBSCOhost mobile app for Apple iOS Devices.
PowerPoint: The EBSCOhost Android App
This PowerPoint presentation from EBSCO demonstrates how to use the EBSCOhost mobile app for Android Devices.
Business Source Premier
CINAHL Plus with Full Text
Video: CINAHL Databases - Basic Searching
This video from EBSCO demonstrates the basic searching features of the suite of CINAHL databases on EBSCOhost. Additional functionality available from the CINAHL Plus, CINAHL Plus with Full Text and CINAHL Complete databases is also included (the SBCC Luria Library subscribes to the CINAHL Plus with Full Text version of the database). A PowerPoint version of this video is also available.
Video: CINAHL Databases - Advanced Searching
This video from EBSCO demonstrates the advanced searching features of the suite of CINAHL databases on EBSCOhost. Additional functionality available from the CINAHL Plus, CINAHL Plus with Full Text and CINAHL Complete databases is also included (the SBCC Luria Library subscribes to the CINAHL Plus with Full Text version of the database). A PowerPoint version of this video is also available.
Video: Using the CINAHL/MeSH Subject Headings Feature in EBSCOhost
This video from EBSCO demonstrates how to create a search using the CINAHL/MeSH Subject Headings functionality in EBSCOhost. A PowerPoint version is also available.
Communication and Mass Media Complete
(The video below demonstrates accessing the Communication and Mass Media Complete database from the old library website. To access the database from the new website, select the "A-Z Databases" button under the OneSearch search box.)
News Databases
Nexis Uni
How to Use Nexis Uni
This SBCC Library handout includes instructions for using the Nexis Uni database to find news sources, legal cases, law reviews, or company information, including how to search a specific publication.
Learn about search techniques and strategies
Use the best search strategies
Tutorial: Search Techniques, Part 1
This tutorial from Credo covers: identifying keywords in a research question and combining them for effective searching; identifying additional keywords; and using search strategies such as natural language searching, Boolean logic, phrase searching, and nesting.
Tutorial: Search Techniques, Part 2
This tutorial from Credo covers full text searching, field searching, subject searching, truncation and wildcards, and strategies for limiting search results based on the information need.
PDF: What-Where-How Research Strategy
Try using the What-Where-How approach to developing a search strategy, by identifying what specific information you need, where you might find that type of information, and how to search for it.
Understand and improve my search results
Video: Refining Search Results
This video from Credo explores how to brainstorm a topic before you begin searching, refine your search based on your results, and manage your search results. Topics mentioned include: identifying keywords, choosing a database, limiting results, and using advanced search options and citation tools.
Learn about evaluating information
Evaluate sources of information
Video: What is Authority?
This video from Credo introduces the concept of authority in critically evaluating information. Topics covered include: evaluating information based on the information need; being open to varied perspectives; considering expertise as well as unexpected types of authority; citing to give credit; and developing your own authoritative voice.
Video: Evaluating Sources
This video from Credo explores how to critically evaluate information sources for authority, accuracy, currency, relevance, and objectivity.
Video: Evaluating Statistics
This video from Credo explores using quantitative reasoning to evaluate statistical information, and examines how media reports do not always present the results of scientific studies accurately.
Video: Interpreting Images
This video from Credo covers interpreting images based on their type, technical components, composition, lighting, color, etc., and discusses how to do background research to determine the historical or social context.
Tutorial: Evaluating Information
This tutorial from Credo explores how to evaluate information sources using who, what, where, when, how, and why.
SIFT & PICK Fact Checking & Source Evaluation
A printable version of the SIFT & PICK approach to evaluating sources using lateral reading (SIFT) to fact check a source and vertical reading (PICK) to decide whether it is the best source for your needs.
Choose the best web source
Tutorial: Choosing the Best Web Source
This tutorial from Credo explores: the open vs. hidden web; how to analyze open web resources for credibility; the pros and cons of Google, Google Scholar, and Wikipedia; and finding hidden web content through the library.
Identify and critique misinformation, disinformation, and fake news.
Video Tutorial: Understanding Misinformation
This video tutorial from Credo covers identifying and distinguishing between different types of misinformation, strategies for evaluating news sources and using reliable news sources.
Recognize bias
Video: Bias and Assumption
This video from Credo provides a definition of bias and an introduction to several conscious and unconscious types of bias.
Video: Exploring Bias
This video from Credo explores how our biases can influence the way we think about information, the need to be aware of bias when we evaluate sources, and some strategies for identifying objective sources.
Video: Types of Bias
This video from Credo examines types of bias such as social bias, confirmation bias, and communal reinforcement, and provides strategies for examining personal biases that can hinder our critical analysis of information.
Learn about synthesizing information, writing research papers, and making presentations
Compile information from sources
Video: Framing a Problem
This video from Credo covers how to develop an open-ended research question that will allow you to achieve your research purpose, and the value of being open to letting your research evolve.
Understanding the elements of a research paper
Video: Anatomy of a Research Paper
This video from Credo covers the three main parts of a research paper (the introduction, the body, and the conclusion), and what information should be included in each section.
Get writing help
Video: Writing Help
This video from Credo offers some guidelines for clear and concise writing.
Website: SBCC Writing Center
The Writing Center offers free writing support services including one-on-one tutoring, workshops, and a variety of helpful support materials.
Learn about academic integrity, plagiarism, and copyright
Understand academic integrity and how to avoid plagiarism
Tutorial: Academic Integrity
This tutorial from Credo explores how academic integrity relates to how information is valued and how academic work contributes to scholarly conversations. Topics include: plagiarism and how to avoid accidental plagiarism; using sources to support your argument; and using citations to distinguish between your voice and others' voices.
Video: Plagiarism
This video from Credo examines different types of plagiarism, as well as strategies for avoiding plagiarism, keeping track of information from multiple sources, and managing your time during the research process.
Understand copyright
Learn about citing sources
Understand when and why to cite
Video: Why We Cite
This Video from the University of North Carolina Writing Center covers the different purposes of citations, including how they provide context for "scholarly conversation."
Video: Why Citations Matter
This video from Credo examines what makes a reference list and in-text citations important in a research paper and the different functions citations serve.
Tutorial: Why Citations Matter
This tutorial from Credo explores the use of citations as part of the process of scholarly conversation, why different citation formats exist, and examples of citation styles, and introduces how to cite.
Cite my sources
PDF: Formatting Hanging Indents for Citations
This printable document from the SBCC Library demonstrates how to format hanging indents for citations, using the "ruler" in Google Drive, Microsoft Word, and other word processing programs.
Learn about scholarly communication
Understand the scholarly communication process
Tutorial: Scholarship as Conversation
This tutorial from Credo explores research as an ongoing scholarly conversation that builds on previous ideas. It examines ways to participate in scholarly conversation, and the importance of seeking different viewpoints and critically evaluating and citing others' work.