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Personal Development 110 - Garcia: Stress Reduction Strategies

This guide provides recommended resources for students in PD 110 with Ana Garcia.

What is Mindfulness?

The state of being calmly, intentionally and actively aware of what one is feeling, thinking and doing; hence the state of being attentive to the moment without becoming entangled in it. Mindfulness is the aim of some meditation techniques in which the person is trained to be attentive to thoughts, feelings and actions without imposing judgements on the latter.

Source: Mindfulness. (2009). In A. Reber, R. Allen & E. Reber, The Penguin dictionary of psychology. London, United Kingdom: Penguin.

Mindfulness Practice

Mindfulness practices involve focusing non-judgmental, present-moment awareness on an object of concentration, such as the experience of breathing. Some objects of concentration work better than others for different people. Here are some to try:

  • noticing physical sensations in your body
  • noticing the experience of breathing
  • listening closely to music or other sounds
  • walking or other physical activity
  • observing colors or objects 

Whatever object of concentration you choose, here are some tips for meditation practice:

  • pay close attention, without passing judgment on your experience
  • when you notice that your mind has wandered, gently bring it back to focus on your object of concentration
  • let go of judgment if you get distracted or frustrated -- just keep bringing your attention back to your object of concentration

Understanding Our Nervous Systems

Window of Tolerance infographic