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Personal Development 115: Home

This guide provides students with tips and recommended resources for research for Personal Development 115.

Research Help

Live Chat (available during Luria Library open hours):

Phone: 805-730-4444


Zoom: make an appointment

In Person: stop by the Library on the West Campus during open hours

Your Assignments

Vision Boards

a poster with images of travel, sports, and friends

You will create a vision board to illustrate your future plans and career goals as well as share time management strategies you plan to use.

Image source:

Hawkeye Community College, Accessed 6 June, 2024.

Mission and Vision Statement

You will develop a mission and vision statement based on identified values and goals outlined in your Career and Goal Plan.

Guide Creator

Profile Photo
Ellen Carey
Any of the SBCC librarians can help you! Use the online chat to reach a librarian right away during open hours.

Your Library is Here For You!

Below are some highlights of the in-person and virtual resources and services the Luria Library offers. See the Hours and Maps page for when and where to find us!

students study at a table in the Library

Study Spaces

Both quiet and collaborative study spaces, including reservable Study Rooms.


Pick up a Chromebook and/or calculator to borrow for the whole semester, or use the computers, printers, copiers, and/or scanners in the Library.

a tech tutor helps a student in the Luria Library


During the academic year, tutors from the Learning Resource Center are available to help in-person in the Library in the evening and on Sundays. Computer help is available every day from the Library's regular computer tutors and/or Librarians.


Borrow a physical copy of your textbook for 3 hours at a time at the Library Checkout Desk, or follow these instructions to get temporary access to a digital copy.

Books, Articles, and other Information Resources

The Library collection includes hundreds of thousands of print books, ebooks, online magazine and journal articles, videos, images, and other types of resources. To find information on your topic, search OneSearch or a specific library database. Watch the Intro to OneSearch video to get started, or ask a librarian for help at any point in the process!

a librarian and a student look at a computer monitor at the Luria Library Reference & Information deskHelp from a Librarian

Stop by the Reference & Information desk or use our Live Chat during open hours to get immediate help from a librarian. We can help with getting the campus resources you need, completing research assignments, thinking critically about information, and more. No question is too big or too small!

Do-It-Yourself Help

For DIY help, see our Get Help page, which includes links to Library Tutorials and Research Guides on a variety of topics. You can always use the live chat if you get stuck.

For writing help, contact the Writing Center in the Cartwright Learning Resources Center (CLRC). The Writing Center offers one-on-one tutoring and a variety of helpful support materials.