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The Unconference: Community College Library Issues: Shared Resources

The Community College Library Issues Unconference was a full-day event which took place in 2012 and 2014 at Santa Barbara City College.

Shared Resources

Shared Resources 2014


ACRL Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education (thanks, Ken Lin)

      • Bealle's list: of open access journals and publishers with predatory or questionable practices, related to SCHOLARSHIP IS CONVERSATION
      • Retraction Watch , related to SCHOLARSHIP IS CONVERSATION

A recent blog post by Troy Swanson, of Moraine Valley CC offer some thoughts on how this Framework connects to undergrads with a special nod toward my community college colleagues."

Assessing Value
Discovery Tools (thanks, Ken Lin)

Keeping Students Actively Learning Online and F2F

Instruction Assessment: Online and F2F


Sally Romero: Outreach to Child Development Center

Uyeki Unconference Notes: Presentations 10:30-11:30am
Uyeki Unconference Notes: Presentations 1:30-2:15

Shared Resources 2012

During the May 5th 2012 Unconference, colleagues shared resources, ideas, tips.


Marketing the Library

      • , Elizabeth Horan's

Marketing Plan

      • from Saddleback College


      • SpringShare's SpringCamp session by Alvin Dantes "LibGuides and the Library Website" about using LibGuides free API Utility


        SpringShare info on API

      • Librarian/faculty collaboration to promote and integrate information comp into curriculum: Our Research Across the Curriculum Committee has sponsored a “Faculty Colloquium on Information Competency”; Getty

Related articles:

      • Mahaffy, Mardi. "Encouraging Critical Thinking In Student Library Research." College Teaching 54.4 (2006): 324-327.
      • Roselle, Ann. "Preparing the Underprepared: Current Academic Library Practices in Developmental Education." College and Research Libraries 70.2 (2009).

      • Learning Communities: Library Instruction in an Advanced ESL Course;
      • Library Skills for Developmental English Students; Bierdzinski
      • Here is the link to the article I mentioned during my presentation:
    • From Sarah Bosler: NCSU's Mobile Scavenger Hunt (I'm piloting this in the summer to use with ESL 101 and ENGL 99)
  • Free web tools for libraries; from Ailya Rose

Other Resources:

When To Work Employee Scheduling Sarah Bosler says: "about $200/year for this. We use it to schedule all our library staff. We have about 30 including adjuncts and students."

From Stephen Navigating the Health Information Maze "Navigating the Health Information Maze is provided by the NN/LM PSR, an outreach program of the National Library of Medicine, located at UCLA. Our mission is to enhance access to health information for health professionals and the public."