Get valuable feedback from your community college colleagues by giving a brief presentation at the Unconference.
Do you have a lesson plan or project you a presentation to your Board, or a faculty workshop, or a conference presentation you are getting ready for?
Do you have an idea for a library-related project you'd like feedback on, or want to find possible collaboration between colleges?
There will be 2 of these sessions during the day.
Registrants will submit presentation titles and two weeks prior to the Unconference registrants will vote on which topics we will discuss on May 3rd.
Group discussions will last 50 minutes. There will be 3-4 different discussion groups going on during each of three discussion periods. The goal is to allow everyone to contribute to the discussion.
Registrants will suggest topics (suggest your own or use the list below) and two weeks prior to the Unconference registrants will vote on which topics we will discuss on May 3rd.
The role of the topic facilitator? Start the conversation, draw out ideas, keep us on track. You don't have to be an expert.
Some topic ideas, from national and state conferences: