The Library makes many print textbooks available to students for 3-hour checkout, through a grant from the SBCC Bookstore and through faculty donations. To place your print course materials on reserve, email or call 805-730-4430.
Please note that Inclusive Access and other online course materials cannot be placed on reserve in the Library.
The Library reserves collection also includes short-term checkout of technology and supplies. Instructor prepared materials might be included; some resources can be made available physically or electronically for up to two semesters, after which copyright permission is required.
For instructions on how to search for, and read, online versions of textbooks, please visit the library's Textbooks and Course Reserves page.
In addition to placing materials on reserve, you can save and share direct links to articles, books, and other sources in Luria Library databases, by following the instructions below:
Interested in replacing your expensive traditional textbooks with free or low-cost Open Educational Resources? See our OER webpage to learn more about OERs, where to find them, and the SBCC Textbook Affordability stipend program.