To access ebooks, click on the title below, then click on the "View eBook" link. From off campus, you will be asked to enter your Pipeline username and password.
The Mature Student's Study Guide by Catherine DawsonCall Number: eBook
Publication Date: 2014
This book will give you the skills and confidence you need when returning to education as a mature student. Whether you are considering a full-time course, part-time studies, evening classes or distance learning.
The College Student's Guide to Writing a Great Research Paper by Erika EbyCall Number: eBook
Publication Date: 2011
Each semester, millions of college students are required to write research papers for class. Staring at a blank word processing document on your computer screen can create an uneasy feeling.This complete guide was created just for you -- the college student.
Distance Education by Birevu MuyindaCall Number: eBook
Publication Date: 2012
Distance learning has become increasingly common as individuals return back to school. Distance education has been defined as the mode of study where the learner is separated in time and space from the institution and tutors providing the tuition.