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Parents and Families: FAQ

This guide provides recommended resources for and about student parents and their families.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Single Parent College Students

[Infographic] American Counsil on Education. Center for Policy Research and Strategy. Higher Ed Spotlight: Single Parent Students. © ACE 2014. STATISTICS ON UNDERGRADUATE SINGLE PARENTS IN POSTSECONDARY EDUCATION: In the 2011–2012 academic year, U.S. colleges and universities enrolled 3.5 million students who are also single parents, a group that represents 15.2 percent
of the undergraduate population. This growing demographic group of posttraditional students must balance academic, family, and work responsibilities at the same time. DEMOGRAPHIC CHARACTERISTICS: Race/ethnicity - 32.5% Black, 42.3% White, 17.8% Hispanic, 1.4% American Indian, 2.9% Asian, 0.5%Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, 2.8% More thqan one race. Gender - 22.4% men, 77.6% women. Age at start of postsecondary education (average), 24. First-generation and low-income status - 59.7% first generation AND low income, 19.3% first generation but NOT low income, 15.6% low income but NOT first generation. WORK RESPONSIBILITIES: 37% full-time job, 34.9% no job, 28.2% part-time job. FAMILY RESPONSIBILITIES: number of children (average), 1.63. FINANCIAL STATUS: adjusted gross income (median), $14,071. POSTSECONDARY CHOICE: Public - 14.9% 4-year, 48.1% 2-year, Private for profit - 18.5% 4-year, 5.9% 2-year, 4.8% <2-year, Private nonprofit - 6.9% 4-year. ENROLLMENT DECISIONS: 50.8% attended postsecondary institution part-time, 54.4% delayed enrollment in postsecondary education. Source: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, 2011-2012 National Postsecondary Student Aid Study. Analysis by Yang Hu, Graduate Research Associate.