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Research Assignment Success: Using AI

This guide provides instructional videos and tutorials for different aspects of the research process, strategies and tips for success, and information about academic support resources.

What is AI?

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) is technology that learns how to learn, and then applies that knowledge to a specific task or purpose.

Generative Artificial Intelligence

Generative artificial intelligence is technology that learns to recognize patterns in content used in its training (text, images, data, etc.) and then produces content that mimics those patterns. 

Large Language Models

Large Language Models (LLMs)  are a type of generative AI that can understand and produce natural-sounding paragraphs of text. LLMs use probability to predict the next word in a sentence as they produce text, but they do not "understand" what they are saying the way a human would. 

Evaluating Information Generated by AI

Can AI Lie?

Despite its name, AI (Artificial Intelligence) does not think or feel or have intentions, so it cannot lie the way a human might. However, AI is capable of producing false, misleading, or inaccurate information. 

What Are AI Hallucinations?

Generative AI such as Large Language Models frequently "hallucinate" false information that cannot be found in or explained by the information used to train the AI tool. Examples of AI hallucinations include fake people and data, and citations for sources that do not exist. Information that AI presents as fact is not necessarily accurate!

What About Google's AI Overview?

The "AI Overview" that might appear at the top of your Google search relies on generative AI. Google notes that "AI Overviews can and will make mistakes" and "may provide inaccurate or offensive information," and cautions users to "think critically about AI Overview responses" (see the information about AI Overview in Google's Help Center).

Can AI Produced Biased Information?

AI tools reflect the bias of the information used in their training materials. For example, if an AI image generator is trained on pictures of doctors that are mostly white men, it will be likely to produce an image of a white male doctor when prompted for a picture of a doctor, even when the prompt does not specify race or gender.

How Do You Evaluate Information Produced by AI?

Always fact-check information that was produced by AI! You can use the same fact checking and source selection strategies for AI that you use for human-created sources. For example:

  • Use the lateral reading strategies described in the "SIFT" portion of SIFT & PICK 
  • Verify information presented as fact by using other credible sources
  • Verify citations to make sure the sources actually exist
  • Ask a Librarian for help!

Citing Text and Images Generated by AI

The links below provide some information on citing text or images generated by AI. Ask a librarian for help citing any AI sources you use in the citation style required by your assignment.

Academic Integrity

The following video tutorial explores academic integrity, including: seeking information from a range of sources; looking at issues from a range of perspectives; acknowledging that information has value; and taking ownership of your own learning by accessing and crediting the ideas of others appropriately (from off campus you will need to log in using your Pipeline username and password):